Defining Relationships Friendship & Dating
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Ways to Ask a Friend Out For a Date

This question leaves most people in big dilemma whether to ask a friend out for a date or not. What is the friendship gets affected by this. What if I get rejected? There are many other such similar questions which might arise in your mind as well read on to find out what can be done.
Be direct- If you really like your friend and would like to go out with him/her do not hesitate just step up and ask them out for a date. Do not worry about what the outcome may be. Just take the first step as that is all what you need to do. This is where most people miss out. They do not even make an effort to let their friends know the way they feel that it gets too late or maybe their friend finds someone else. Never keep your feelings inside just let them out and now is the time. Never wait for tomorrow as you never know what tomorrow might have in store for you.
Wait for the right time- You do not want to catch your friend in a bad mood when you reveal your true feelings to them. Remember when a human being is happy they have a positive reaction to most of the things around them. Therefore doing this at the right time is very important.
Be original- Pour your heart out; let your friend know your true inner feelings. Nothing can match what really comes from you heart if your feelings are genuine your friend would have a real hard time to say no. When people give more love they tend to get more. Follow the same strategy. Let him/her know why you feel this way also that you do understand that not all friendships turn into romance but you can’t help the way you feel.

Do not fear rejection- Many people fear rejection so much that they do not even give a shot. Just say what you have in your mind. Otherwise it might bug you for the rest of your life. Also if you get rejected remember one thing it is not the end of the original friendship. You will remain friends forever no matter what. Always have a positive outlook and if you do get turned down just be polite and let the things be as they used to be like before.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
How To Use Creative Visualization to Manifest Your Ideal Mate

Once you've created (or regained) a sense of positive self-esteem, move towards experiencing the feeling of joy and love. Reach for thoughts such as "I am grateful," "I am in love," "I am loving, "I am joyous." Then, be willing to never have it happen.
What???!!!! Yes, it's true, you have to be willing to never have it happen. You have to be willing to trust in the Divine Order of life and let it all be okay, no matter what. You have to practice detaching yourself from this vision, in order for the vision to have a chance to manifest.
One exercise (a detachment visualization) that I find particularly easy and effective is to visualize my goal. Then when I feel a sense of joy that it is coming to me and I can confidently expect it, I surround the vision in a pink bubble and allow it to float away. I imagine it floating loftily away in the wind, getting smaller and smaller, floating into the clouds and finally disappearing.
I wave lovingly (not longingly) to it, speaking confidently, "I surrender to this or something better coming into my life in perfect timing, and I let it go now. I accept that all things are perfect, exactly as they are and I am at peace. I am at peace with the Divine Order of life and I detach from this vision, knowing that what is meant to be, will be, now. I am at peace, and I let it go."
Now for the secret key of Creative Visualization - Manifest at the speed of light with the Manifesting Mambo!
You want to FEEL the emotion of love, not just say it. So dance around, hop on one foot, flap your arms, jump around, or whatever it takes to get yourself excited and feeling powerfully passionate about your vision. Fake the feeling, until the feeling becomes real to you.
One client of mine danced her way to the altar -- the manifesting mambo has the power to create with the speed of light, all of your dreams.
So let me outline how to visualize successfully:
A) Clarify what you want
B) Envision your desired outcome
C) Monitor your emotions, and adjust your thoughts
D) Detach from your desire
E) Do the manifesting mambo
f you are not willing to take these steps, then you need to know that somewhere down inside you don't really want what you say you do. There must be some pay-off to not having your desire.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Can a Good Friend Become A Good Partner?

Friendship and love both are so dissimilar and both are so similar to each other! A lover is considered the best friend in our life. We share most of our thoughts with our romantic partner. Then why cannot a good friend become a good lover? Or is that possible to do successfully? Many of us are worried that by romantically involving with our friend we may loose our friend and never gain a lover.
What are the differences between friendship and love? When do we call a person our friend? When do we call someone a very good friend?For us, a good friend we must have these qualities in the friendship-
If we care for a person

If we are always ready to help that person
If we share most of our thoughts with a person.
We are always sure that our friend understands why we act in a certain way
We can always count upon our good friends in an emergency.
Are these not the qualities of a good romantic relationship? What is the difference? In romantic love, we are physically attracted to our beloved. Our beloved is also physically attracted towards us. That may not happen in friendship. This is the first difference. For most of us romantic relationships happen because there is something in the other person that magnetically draws us to them. That does not happen in friendship.
Friendship and romantic relationship look to be very much like each other, but in reality they are as different as cheese and chalk. If you wish to have your friend as your romantic partner, you need to think again. You may be about to loose a good friend. You may not get a romantic relationship in bargain but only pain may result from this. Better to avoid this.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
7 quirky facts about chemistry-By Laura Schaefer

1. Like go-get-’em types? Look for a long fourth finger. Here’s why: If your date’s ring finger is longer than his or her index finger, it’s an indication that he or she was exposed to higher than average amounts of testosterone in the womb, says Dr. John T. Manning of Rutgers University in his book Digit Ratio. This correlates to a personality which tends to be logical, decisive, and ambitious. If these traits tickle your fancy, stick around.
2. Adrenaline is the new oyster. Skip the shellfish, and do something daring to bond with a new honey. Research by Arthur Aron and Donald Dutton shows that adrenaline ups our interest in a potential mate. Male subjects in the study were asked to cross two kinds of bridges (one shaky, one sturdy) to talk to an attractive female “researcher” giving a questionnaire. Upon completing the task, the woman gave each subject her phone number. Those subjects who met the woman on the shaky bridge were more likely to call and more likely to ask her on a date. The reason? The exhilaration of being in a risky situation rubs off on the person you’re with, so if you’re looking for some instant sparks on a date, try something a little scary (roller coasters, scary movie, or white-water rafting, anyone?).
3. Women do want to date their fathers. Or, at least, date someone who smells like him. In one study by geneticist Carole Ober, female subjects were asked to sniff t-shirts of various scents and then state their preferences. Over and over again, subjects chose the odors that closely matched those of their dads. So, guys, if you make it to a “meet the parents” moment, take a peek in their medicine cabinet, and splash on some of Dad’s aftershave to seal the deal.

4. Don’t let your married friends weigh in on your love life. Think your hitched pals can help you detect good chemistry with a date? Um, no… Science has revealed that your married friends are clueless when they try to give you dating advice. In one study, psychologist Frank Bernieri asked 168 subjects to watch video clips of couples and rate how in love they were. Subjects who were in relationships guessed wrong again and again compared to their single peers. So the next time your friend with the rock on her finger waxes poetic on the intricacies of your love life, smile serenely and then get a second opinion.
5. There’s such a thing as “Pill goggles.” Consider these the first cousin to beer goggles—if you’re taking the birth-control pill, ladies, your taste in men may take a turn. That’s because birth control pills affect women’s hormone levels and to whom they are attracted. In one study, researcher Tony Little showed women different images of men and asked them to make their picks. Results show that women on birth control pills tended to choose men with more pronounced masculine features than those who weren’t on the Pill. The downside here? These manly traits are linked to high testosterone levels, aggressive behavior, and even higher divorce rates. So if you’re on the Pill, don’t turn a blind eye to those red flags… your contraception could cloud your judgment and lead you to fall for a less-than-wonderful guy.
6. The longer you’re together, the more simpatico you’ll become. Do you feel the chemistry getting stronger and stronger every day? Are you finishing one another’s sentences? Feeling as if you share one personality? You two may really be merging, says researcher Cameron Anderson, who interviewed 60 couples and roommates. By gauging his subjects’ reactions to a film after they had lived together one year, Anderson found that their personalities tend to converge over time, though the dominant partner changes his or her personality less.
7. Goose those chemicals to keep passion cooking. Those heady feelings of new love do fade over time, but there is an easy way couples in a rut can get ’em back: by trying novel things together, whether that’s traveling to foreign lands or even just breaking out the Zagat guide to try a totally new restaurant rather than your old stand-by. That’s because new experiences trigger the same chemical reaction in the body as love, says researcher Helen Fisher, author of Why We Love. So get out there and have an adventure, lovebirds, to keep boredom at bay.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Problems Understanding Friendships Via Online Dating

A Net dating service, also known as online dating or internet dating, is an example of a dating system and allows individuals, couples and groups to meet online and possibly develop a romantic or sexual relationship. Net dating services provide un-moderated matchmaking through the use of personal computers, the Internet, or even cell phones
It is arguably very difficult for people to establish meaningful relationships with those they can't see or interact with. Without the verbal and physical cues that assist in gauging a person's emotions and feelings, there is a high possibility of deception. However, many who maintain online relationships contest that not seeing the other person actually helps relationships develop, and that they have fewer social inhibitions without the expectations that ordinary face-to-face contact engenders.
Others acknowledge that the lack of face-to-face contact can cheapen internet friendships, and that it could be considered shallow of them to want to see who they are talking to, thus implying that their friends' appearances could change how they think of them.There can be a variety of problems with using online dating sites. Some sites expect members to sign up "blind", eHarmony for example, with no preview of the type of profiles they will get to see. On other sites, some profiles are not actually real people, but "bait" put there by the site owners to attract new paying members.Most members are enticed to join dating websites with free or low-priced "trial" memberships advertised on many other websites.

Matrimonials Sites are a variant of online dating sites, and these are geared towards meeting people for the purpose of getting married. Gross misrepresentation is less likely on these sites than on 'casual dating' sites. Casual dating sites are often geared more towards short term (and implicitly sexual) relationships.
Labels: friendships, online dating sites, relationships
Friday, May 18, 2007
Friendship contrasted with comradeship
Friendship can be mistaken for comradeship. Comradeship is the feeling of affinity that draws people together in time of war or when people have a mutual enemy or even a common goal. Former ''New York Times'' war correspondent Chris Hedges wrote:
"We feel in wartime comradeship. We confuse this with friendship, with love. There are those, who will insist that the comradeship of war is love &m dash; the exotic glow that makes us in war feel as one people, one entity, is real, but this is part of war's intoxication. As this feeling dissipated in the weeks after the attack, there was a kind of nostalgia for its warm glow and wartime always brings with it this comradeship, which is the opposite of friendship. Friends are predetermined; friendship takes place between men and women who possess an intellectual and emotional affinity for each other. But comradeship – that ecstatic bliss that comes with belonging to the crowd in wartime – is within our reach. We can all have comrades."

As a war ends, or a common enemy recedes, comrades return to being strangers, who lack friendship and have little in common.
Labels: Friendship
Monday, May 14, 2007
Developmental issues in Friendship
Labels: blogs, dating, Friendship
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Physical manifestations In Frienship
*Handshakes. This is a more formalized type of contact, frequent among older individuals and only denoting feelings of friendship if emphasized.

*Holding hands
*High five
**Pound hug:- This embrace, primarily used by young males, has become popular among Western subgroups because it expresses affection while maintaining a remote posture, so as to preclude any homosexuality|homosexual connotations.
*Walking arm-in-arm
*Placing an arm over the other's shoulder or waist

*Eskimo kissing
*Imitation of fight (e.g. a punch on the shoulder, most common among young males)
Labels: blogs, dating, freindship, friends, online dating
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Lets be Friends -True Friends Meet Here
A friend - A person you know well and regard with affection and trust.
A person with whom you are acquainted.

Friendship:-It is a term used to denote co-operative and supportive behaviour between two or more humans.In this sense, the term connotes a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, and affection.Yet for many, friendship is nothing more than the trust that someone or something will not harm them. Value that is found in friendships is often the result of a friend demonstrating on a consistent basis:

- the tendency to desire what is best for the other,
- sympathy and empathy,
- honesty, perhaps in situations where it may be difficult for others to speak the truth,
- mutual understanding
Affection:-Is an emotion that derives from the recognition of one's own values in the character of another.
Relationship:-They are social associations, connections, or affiliations between two or more people who may interact overtly, covertly, face to face or may remain effectively unknown to each other such as those in a virtual community who maintain anonymity and do not socialize outside of a chat room.

History of Friendship:
Friendship is considered one of the central human experiences, and has been sanctified by all major religions. The Epic of Gilgamesh , a Babylonian poem that is among the earliest known literary works in history, chronicles in great depth the friendship between [[Gilgamesh]] and [[Enkidu]]. The [[Greek religion|Greco-Roman]] had, as a paramount example, the friendship of [[Orestes]] and [[Pylades]]. The have the story of [[David and Jonathan]]. The Christian Gospels state that [[Jesus Christ]] declared, "No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends."(John 15:13)
Common Type of friendship:-
- Boyfriend Girlfriend
- Friends with benefits
- Online friendship(dating)
- Open relationship
- Sexualized friendship
Labels: blog, blogs, dating, friends, online dating